Why New York Hotels Use Mudmasky’s Large-Size Toiletries


New York hotels now have until 2025 to comply with the new regulations banning single-use toiletry bottles. This delay provides an opportunity for hotels to explore sustainable alternatives, and many are turning to Mudmasky’s large-size toiletries as a solution.

Why New York Hotels Choose Mudmasky’s Large-Size Toiletries

As part of their adaptation to the upcoming ban, many New York hotels are embracing Mudmasky’s large-size toiletries. Here’s why:

  1. Sustainability Commitment: Mudmasky’s dedication to eco-friendly practices aligns perfectly with the goals of the single-use plastic ban.
  2. Cost-Effectiveness: Switching to larger, refillable bottles helps hotels reduce costs associated with continually purchasing single-use items.
  3. High-Quality Products, made in France: Mudmasky’s premium skincare and haircare products enhance guest satisfaction, countering concerns about a decline in quality with refillable dispensers (80%+ of Hotel Toiletries is made in China)
  4. Environmental Impact: By choosing Mudmasky’s refillable options, hotels significantly reduce their plastic waste footprint, contributing to a cleaner environment.


The upcoming ban on single-use toiletry bottles in New York provides an excellent opportunity for hotels to adopt more sustainable practices. Mudmasky’s large-size toiletries offer a practical, eco-friendly, and high-quality solution, making the transition smooth and beneficial for both the environment and the hospitality industry.

Read more about this subject here.

Mudmasky is proud to support this effort by offering refillable toiletries designed to meet the highest standards of sustainability and quality. For more information or to place an order, please contact us at info@mudmasky.com with the subject line “Hotels.”

Stay tuned for more updates on environmental regulations and industry news.

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