Breakthrough to End Cosmetic Animal Testing in the US

As of today we came one step closer to ending Cosmetic animail testing for good, as US Representatives Advocate for Federal Ban on Animal Testing in Cosmetics.

A bipartisan coalition of legislators, featuring Democratic Representatives Don Beyer, Tony Cárdenas, and Paul Tonko, alongside Republican counterparts Vern Buchanan and Ken Calvert, has recently reintroduced the Humane Cosmetics Act in the United States House of Representatives, with the announcement made on September 12th.

The primary objective of this proposed legislation is to put an end to the practice of conducting safety tests for cosmetic products on animals. Additionally, it seeks to establish a legal framework prohibiting the sale of products that have been subjected to animal testing within the United States.

Representative Beyer passionately underlined the inhumanity and obsolescence of cosmetic animal testing, stressing the need for congressional intervention. He pointed out that a significant portion of the cosmetics industry has already embraced more scientifically robust testing methods that do not inflict harm upon animals. Beyer is optimistic that the Humane Cosmetics Act can abolish an outdated and inhumane practice while safeguarding American businesses. He expressed his hope for swift consideration of the bill.

It is noteworthy that the safety testing of cosmetics on animals has already been prohibited in 44 countries and 11 US states. The reintroduction of this bill has garnered support from the Personal Care Products Council (PCPC), a prominent US trade association. The PCPC views this legislative action as a continuation of the industry’s decades-long efforts to champion non-animal testing alternatives. They emphasized the active involvement of their member companies in developing alternative safety assessment methods for nearly four decades and their commitment to advancing this vital cause.

Representatives Beyer, Cárdenas, and Buchanan have a history of leading the charge for the Humane Cosmetics Act in Congress. Alongside Senators Cory Booker and Rob Portman, they successfully reintroduced the bill in December 2021.

It is worth recalling that the Humane Cosmetics Act was first introduced to Congress in March 2014, though it did not make progress at that time.

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